Need a uPVC door handle replaced? Let SF Locksmiths in Rotherham take care of it. Send a pic of your handle to 07990573857 for a cost.
Need a uPVC door handle repair?
First, we would like to clarify that the handle needs the attention. Has the handle come off in your hands? This may sound strange to ask, but I’ll explain. Often, I receive calls for a broken uPVC handle, but the handle is still attached to the door. It has either gone “limp” and not returned to horizontal or is spinning. In these cases, the handle is fine, but the locking mechanism in the door has a problem. Something that we fix also and refer to our uPVC door repairs. For a uPVC door handle repair in Rotherham, read on.
My uPVc handle needs replacing.
The handle on a uPVC door operates the multipoint lock and is operated many times a day. This constant use results in wear and tear and breaks. If you have looked at replacing yourself, you will realise there are a lot of versions out there. The distance from the handle to the keyhole is critical and has to be spot on. The screws that hold the handle vary also, and this adds up to a job that needs a professional.

uPVC door handle repair in Rotherham
Invest in a new handle
Having been a local Rotherham locksmith for way too many years, I now have collated the knowledge of the handles that have been fitted locally.
Take companies like Yorkshire Windows; their handles are different. Before they went into liquidation pre-2018 ( though they are trading again ), they used five different handle types. Only one was a standard you could pick up from B&Q. Anglian and Everest used numerous different types and fittings and are challenging to source. These are just three well-known local companies.
I recommend using myself for a uPVC door handle repair in Rotherham, and I’ll handle the hassle for you. In most cases, I can offer white, gold, and chrome handles, but I only use the brands Hoppe and Fabfix. The best on the market and excellent quality. For an idea of the cost, if you can text or email a picture of the broken handle, I can quote accurately to 07990573857 or